个人化妆课程 Personal Makeup class
【2堂课 2 lessons】
课程内容 Course content:
* 化妆工具及产品认知 Makeup tools and product knowledge
* 化妆基础步骤 Basic makeup steps
* 妆前保养 Skin preparation
* 分析五官及脸型 Face analysis
* 修眉及眉形设计 Eyebrow shaping
* 找出喜欢的风格&妆容 Find out your favorite makeup style
* 妆容用色搭配 Makeup colour combinations
* 面部轮廓修饰 Facial contouring
* 发型工具及产品认知 Hair tools and product knowledge
* 职业通勤造型、时尚晚宴造型 Professional appearance; evening look
* 披发及烫发技巧、简易编发造型 Hair down styles; styling with electrical tools; simple braids